

In 2001, the organization achieved the ISO 9001 International Quality Certification, after demonstrating the efficient implementation of a Quality Management System. In this way, it becomes a pioneer in obtaining certification in the road construction industry.
In 2010, the certification was renewed in the ISO 9001:2008 version.
En el año 2018, se renueva la certificación en la versión ISO 9001:2015.
Actualmente TOCSA se encuentra en proceso de implementación de un Sistema de Gestión Integrado entre las Normas ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e ISO 45001 que permita gestionar efectivamente la Calidad, el Medio Ambiente y la Seguridad y Salud, con la meta de obtener nuevamente la Certificación Internacional.

Quality Policy:
We develop infrastructure projects with efficiency and continuous improvement, providing innovative solutions at optimized costs, for which we have the necessary resources, a motivated, trained and committed professional team to comply with market demands and applicable requirements.


TOCSA ensures compliance with the provisions related to health protection, hygiene, accident prevention and safety. The plan monitoring and compliance are constant. The induction to the personnel is continuous, to raise awareness about the importance of prevention in accidents and diseases


Ensure the safety and health of employees by maintaining adequate working conditions, from the physical facilities, to outpatient clinics and initiatives such training, vaccination campaigns against endemic diseases, ambulance services, among others.


TOCSA complies with the environmental legislation, from the best way to collect and eliminate waste, minimization of dust and noise, to the recovery of degraded areas through reforestation (in agreement with National Forestry Institute)


The care of the Earth, as a philosophy of life and thinking in the future. We take care of the compliance with the environmental legislation.

TOCSA action plan:

- Training on waste classification and use of sorting dumps

- Maintenance of green areas

- Native species tree cultivation

- Construction of laundries for handling liquid effluents containing hydrocarbons and washing sand

- Appropriate storm drainage constructions, channeling with speed reducers and trap for fine sediments.

- Protection of river channels, with slope and stone, topsoil and grass, to avoid erosion of fine material on the ground

- Compliance with all requirements of the MADES (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development) to sustain the environmental license

- Removal of solid and liquid waste.

- Maintenance of roads in the community of our quarries. In coordination with the local Municipality, periodic irrigation is carried out for the elimination of excess dust in transit.

- Recycling of paper, through the Recycling Agreement with CYSA (Cartones Yaguarete SA).


TOCSA develops collaborative activities in the communities close to branch offices and constructions sites, specially at health and education

The main effort is toward health centers and educational institutions.


We work altogether with the communities, helping in

to provide improvement at public schools facility located near the constructions sites

  • Making better access roads.
  • Construction material donations.
  • School kits for students of public schools.

Currently TOCSA actively collaborate with the Fundación Dequeni (Help for Children in Street situation). We carry out cooperation agreements with municipalities and governors.

Follow our works at our network: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram