Proyecto de refuerzo del sistema norte a 220 KV ”. Construcción de la línea de transmisión en 220KV YTAKYRY - CERRO CORA: Tramo CURUGUATY - CAPITAN BADO
Client: Administration National Electricity (ANDE). Period: 2015 – 2016. Executive, electrical, and electromechanical project. Supply of minor electrical and electromechanical materials and equipment. Construction of civil works, Electromechanics, Essays. Commissioning of 150 (one hundred and fifty) km of 220 kV aerial transmission line, with cross-linked, galvanized, and self-supporting steel structures.
Interconexión en 220 KV San Estanislao - General Aquino, bajo modalidad de Leasing Operacional
Client: NATIONAL ELECTRICITY ADMINISTRATION (ANDE). Period: 2013 – 2014. 330 km for the 220 kV Transmission Line. Reticulated steel structures. Cable type ACSR 950 MCM. Silicone rubber polymer type insulators. Optical Fiber OPGW.
Construcción de la línea de transmisión 2 × 220 kv Acaray - Presidente Franco y ampliación de subestaciones Acaray y Presidente Franco
Client: National Electricity Administration (ANDE). Period: 2015 – 2017. Expansion of substations Acaray And President Franco. Supply, design and construction needed, in order to adapt the 220 KV patios. Interconection through new transmission line 2 x 220 KV between them.